
Vision and Values

Discover Our Guiding Principles  

Our guiding principles are directional thoughts designed to help a decision-making or design process. They serve to lead us to the optimal asset transition, allocation and general ledger solutions that will benefit our investment fund’s participants and beneficiaries.

The guiding principles of the FPIF are to:

  • Maximize risk-adjusted returns
  • Provide equitable treatment
  • Reduce costs
  • Act as a fiduciary
  • Facilitate transparency

Read the FPIF Mission Statement

Our mission is to create a scalable and sustainable investment fund that meets or exceeds the agreed-upon objectives and provides good outcomes for members. Our key objective is to obtain long-term investment returns to provide retirement security for our stakeholders.

To achieve our key objective, the FPIF trustees seek:

  • To leverage benefits from scale
  • To access higher return opportunities
  • To enhance risk management and improve diversification
  • To deliver essential investment governance and reporting