Freedom of Information Act

Requesting Information Under the FOIA

Information requests made to the FPIF are governed by the Illinois Freedom of Information Act (the Act) (5 ILCS 140). If any requested records will be used for a commercial purpose, please disclose that fact when submitting the request.

When making requests under the FOIA, FPIF has developed a Freedom of Information Act Form to ensure an easy and transparent way for the public to submit their requests. While we recommend the use of this form, it is not required.

Please submit requests via our contact form or directly to the FOIA Officer through the USPS:

Steve Zahn
Chief Operating Officer
Firefighters’ Pension Investment Fund
1919 South Highland Avenue
Building A, Suite 237
Lombard, IL 60148

In accordance with the Act, there is no fee for records that are sent electronically. The first 50 pages of black-and-white letter- or legal-sized paper copies are provided free of charge; after that, we charge $0.15 per page. FPIF reserves the right to charge for the reproduction of color copies, copies that are not letter- or legal-sized, and shipping expenses.

A Little Bit About FPIF

The Firefighters’ Pension Investment Fund (FPIF) is a public investment fund responsible for managing the assets of Illinois firefighter pension funds.

The FPIF’s annual  budget for FY 2025 is $13,898,390. The only office is located in Lombard, Illinois at the address listed above.

A nine-member Board of Trustees, made up of four active firefighters, one retired firefighter and four employer representatives, governs the Fund. FPIF currently employs seven staff members. Click here to view an organization chart of FPIF’s functional subdivisions.